Spirited Away - A Breathtakingly Beautiful Miyazaki Film


The Studio Ghibli anime film, Spirited Away, has a magical, powerful story. It follows the transformation of a selfish, petulant little girl, Chihiro, into a strong, capable, caring child. The artwork is magnificent. The story can make you cry; it tells the truth about humans and their insatiable gluttony and greed. But it has enough whimsical moments to keep you from becoming despondent over the reality of its truths.

Chihiro reminds me of myself when I was young. I looked just like her. The brown ponytail with sideburns was my trademark. I relate to her in other ways as well. Though, honestly, I don't think I could've drummed up the courage she displays in this film.

Kids of this generation have that courage. I feel a bit of hope, leaving this world in their hands. They have the power to save the Earth - if it isn't too late.




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