Film Noir

Film Noir is inky shadows and a glass of champagne, femme fatales in classy outfits with long, wavy blonde hair, wise guys in double-breasted suits with their hats slanted over one eye, palm trees and concrete, betrayals and secrets revealed, tough joes and even tougher dames - it's a place that only exists on celluloid, a fantasy land for grown-ups. It. Is. Cool.

I grew up on classic films and comic books. It never occurred to me that someday comics would rule the big screens. But here we are.

I long for the days when movies were black and white. Sure, I love me a good Technicolor epic once in awhile but when I'm sad or tired or fed up with the whole god damned world it's the shadows I seek - give me Joan Crawford in a fur coat, traipsing the boardwalk, looking for an escape in Mildred Pierce, or Mary Astor playing it coy for the chance to possess the statue of a bird in The Maltese Falcon, or a bunch of losers trying for that one big score in The Asphalt Jungle. That's my comfort food, my meat and potatoes. I couldn't survive without them.



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